
The current version is It was uploaded June 29, 2007.
sbPopper is an Audioscrobbler for the Roku Soundbridge. This program monitors the songs that are playing on your Soundbridge and submits them to the Audioscrobbler database. The songs you play will be remembered in your profile.

Once sbPopper finds a Soundbridge, you can right-click on the icon to start, stop, pause, or skip the current song. Click on Open to see the configuration options.

After downloading and installing sbPopper, use Start | sbPopper | sbPopper to start the program. When the program starts, a small icon willl appear on the taskbar and sbPopper searches for all of the Soundbridges on your network.

sbPopper requires Microsoft .Net Framework version 2.0 or later to run.

Download sbPopper.

You must have on your computer to scrobble your tracks.

Visit the download page.


Version, March 8, 2007.
Initial version.

Version, June 1, 2007.
Automatically starts Last.FM client.
Removed any time limits.

Version, June 4, 2007.
Handle UTF-8 characters.

Version, June 29, 2007.
Sync protocol with Last.FM client version

44 Responses to “sbPopper”

  1. murray says:

    Not a question, just a thanks.
    I’ve been looking for a plugin for my soundbridge ever since I bought it. And your’s is the first to work. I hope either or Roku send some cash your way.


  2. Camiel says:

    Would it be possible to create a program like this which runs on my nas server (FSG – sbPopper is great, just to bad it has to run on a windows pc. My pc is not always on when I’m using my soundbrigde.

  3. Dom W says:

    Echoing the praise, but anyone thinking of writing a version for Mac?

  4. Michiel says:

    Thank you very much for this initiative. I have been looking for ages to have my soundbridges plays scrobbled. The program is working pretty well despite the windows faults on M$ .net framework when i tried rightmouse click the programm taskbar icon. One other funtional remark. i have difficulties scrobbling tracks with strange characters , the é and ó show both up as ??. I dont know if this related to sbPopper or the software of the soundbridge.
    Anyhow you made me a happy person with this new features

  5. Fred (>>freeloosedirt) says:

    Thank you very much. I was running the slimsoft software and slimscrobbler, but it skipped so much, if the bittrate was over 196, I’d have to choose between scrobbling and skipping.

    I’ve been using this for a few weeks now, and its flawless.

  6. Blamm says:

    This is great..thanks.

    Will this thing launch client automatically? I seem to have to do it manually.

  7. Dave says:

    Excellent!! This works just great, no problems so far. A fantastic idea, well implemented. Thanks!!

  8. RiJo says:

    Thank you!! This program was just what I was looking for!!
    The only problem I’ve found in this program is the Swedish characters (such as åäöÅÄÖ) in the popupbox, which is encoded in ISO-8859, not in UTF-8.

    But anyway, i love this program!!

    I’m looking forward to future releases…

  9. TDT says:

    Any chance of sorting out the UTF-8? Can’t scrobble maxïmo park!
    Great program – thanks

  10. sjs says:

    New version uploaded that handles UTF-8 titles. Thanks for the pointer to maxïmo park.

    Title: Sa° Blev Det Besta¨mt
    Artist: Dungen
    Album: Tio Bitar

  11. Dave says:

    Thanks for the new version – great work!

  12. sjs says:

    Last.FM updated their client (to with an incompatible protocol. The symptom is that Last.FM isn’t updated. A new version of sbPopper uploaded today ( fixes the problem.

  13. Michael says:

    Works great and thanks so much! Is it possible to add support for Internet radio stations played via SoundBridge? They don’t get scrobbled as their tags are somehow not correctly assigned and contain the station name. You might need to filter for the station names (which could be maintained by each user individually) and then re-assign artist, song and album to fit the Last.FM client. That’s my theory :-)

  14. Ola says:

    Thanx for a great little app. I having some trouble thou. I need to turn off (restart) my soundbridge device for sbPopper to recgonize it.

    Have nobody else noticed this?

  15. sjs says:

    The SoundBridge can get into a state where it will not answer any “search” requests. The fix will be in the SoundBridge 3.0 final firmware update. More information can be found on the Roku user forums:

  16. Michiel says:


    it looks like that for me the latest sbPopper version is not working anymore with the client . To solve this i downloaded the old iscrobblerclient from the last fm site
    Just curious if there are other people with the same problem?

  17. sjs says:

    I am using the sbPopper with Last.FM now and it seems to be working for me. Let me know (sjs at if you want to investigate.

  18. Michiel says:

    OK fixed my issues with reinstalling the lastfm client, works flawless again. :)

  19. Charlie says:

    After installing LastFM, I had the same problem. Uninstalling and reinstalling sbPopper fixed it.

  20. Sil says:

    I have some troubles detecting My soundbridge.
    Due of our corporate security policies the WinXP-Firewall is always on and can not be disabled. Unfortunately this prevents sbPopper detecting the soundbridge :-?
    so… which port(s) do i have to open to avoid this problem?

  21. sjs says:

    You must open TCP port 4444 to communicate with the SoundBridge. You must also enable uPNP through your firewall. Microsoft has a comprehensive article about firewalls and uPNP devices like the SoundBridge here:

    Here is part of the article:

    To manually open the required Windows Firewall ports for the UPnP framework, you must enable the UPnP framework exception. To enable the exception and open UDP port 1900 and TCP port 2869, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, click Control Panel, click Security Center, and then click Windows Firewall.

    2. On the General tab, make sure that the On (recommended) option is selected.

    Note If the On (recommended) option and the Don’t allow exceptions option are selected, the UPnP framework ports remain closed even if you complete the rest of the steps in this procedure.

    3. On the Exceptions tab, click to select the UPnP Framework check box.

  22. Alan says:

    Does this support the Soundbridge Radio? Can’t seem to find mine in my network. I have upnp enabled and can telnet from the PC running this software (and LastFM client) to my SR on port 4444 but the systray indicates “looking for soundbridge devices”

  23. Rozz3r says:

    Brilliant! Thank you. I was looking for a scrobbling solution for ages and this is nearly perfect. I’d love a Linux version that works on my NAS.

  24. daniel says:

    Excellent! It’s a little bit crashy on my system, but other than that it works great. Thanks!!

  25. Blamm says:


    Great tool. Using it all the time. Would be very cool if the pop-up showed album art from LastFM. You can get it really easily via XML. e.g.

    Look at the coverart tag.

  26. Ange says:

    Very cool. Except it’s not working for me.

    Sbpopper is able to see the soundbridge (and shows the tracks etc), but it’s not scrobbling in Is there a need to have the itunes plugin for the client? At the moment I only have the winamp and windows media plugins (deliberately – I want isproggler to control iTunes scrobbling so that my ipod scrobbles definitely work). version is
    Winamp plugin
    Windows media plugin


  27. Javier says:

    Hi… I’m using SBPopper Version with for Windows V and when I play something in my Roku it displays the song name and group but gives me a warning saying “It won’t be sent: theme is in a directory not configured for scrobbling”

    Any ideas???

  28. sjs says:

    Bummer, Ange.

    You need to have running. When sbPopper recognizes the song, does the program also show the song but not scrobble it or does the program not show the song?

  29. Ange says:

    The client never saw it at all. :(

  30. Ange says:

    It never showed up in at all. :(

  31. Ascola says:

    Really ingenious little tool bridging the gap which is left by the (sound)bridge. Marvellous: you cannot only scrobble, but also control the soundbridge via the sbpopper. Thanks.

  32. Dave says:


    sbpopper is still great.

    However, unticking the ‘Automatically run when I log in’ does not save.

    Deleting the auto run entry from the registry doesn’t work either as the program just puts it back next time it’s started.

    I thought this was just a problem with my install before so never said, but that was on XP and I now have the same issue with Vista.


  33. Karsten says:

    Fantastic tool, but I like to double Michaels feature-request [] for scrobbling internet radio. Could this be done in a future version?

  34. Karsten says:

    sbPopper working perfect for me.

    I’m planung to by a second Soundbridge in the next days.
    Can sbPopper handle more than one Soundbridge?

    Plus: Sometime sbPopper does not find my device. Is there a registryentry or a config-file where I can set the IP of my Soundbridge manually?

  35. djl says:

    Hi, just a plea to join you all but I’m running mac leopard – anyone got any plans to make this osx compatible?

  36. shizon_g says:

    what a great plugin! i listen to very little while at the computer as most listening is through the soundbridge. thanks for sharing.

  37. Manuel says:

    Simply great, I just installed it and it works like a charm. Thanks for providing this excellent piece of sofware for our beloved SoundBridge :)

  38. Steve says:

    My SbPopper does work, with Windows Vista.

    The problem however is, that everytime I run it, I get the Vista error message saying that SbPopper has stopped working. As long as I do not click away that message, SbPopper just keeps on working. But the message is a bit annoying.

    Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

  39. Simon says:

    A really cool piece of software!

    I was having the same problem as Ange was, but worked out the solution

    Whenever I played a tune on the Soundbridge, sbpopper recognised it and passed it onto the Last FM app. However, the Last FM app reported that the song wouldn’t scrobble because scrobbling wasn’t allowed in that directory.

    The problem? Having Windows Media Player running at the same time (even if it wasn’t playing anything)! The same thing also happened with iTunes running.

    Presumably, the Last FM plugin overrides sbpopper.

    Anyway, thanks again. I hope this helps.

  40. rxpell says:

    Pure Genius !

  41. melissa says:

    Is the download page down? It seems to not be working :(

  42. Sjeed says:

    Is it just me, or doesn’t sbPopper work with the newest version of LastFM client (version

  43. Hi, just to say thanks for such a simple solution, worked perfectly! No hassles

    Yes, there is still a call for this even in 2010! (cant believe no one else has left a comment in over a year!)



  44. rxpell says:

    Just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 Pro (64 bit) and glad to say sbpopper still works. Windows Media Player doesn’t seem to work as a server for Soundbridge on Win 8 though so I installed Logitech Media Server and the Soundbridge is scrobbling on :)

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